October 22, 2014

3rd Kentucky U.S. Congressional District Candidates Debate

The Principals:

Republican Party Michael Macfarlane
Democratic Party John Yarmuth - Incumbent
Independent Greg Puccetti

Well, as expected, this ended up pretty much a two-sided affair between the two major parties. Also, pretty much as expected, the left stayed left and the right stayed right, with the middle leaning more right than left.

There now... confused? Yeah, me too. Well, at least about everything but the likely final outcome. I believe the incumbent walks away with a certain win if the field doesn't narrow by one. While Dr. Macfarlane put up a good, articulate fight for the right, I fear it was for naught if the spoiler Puccetti stays in the race.

Don't get me wrong, I like Puccetti, he seems like a fine man of great character, but I'm just not "feeling" him. He comes across as the disappointed loser in the conservative primary that lacks the luster needed to defeat Yarmuth.

Macfarlane will have an uphill struggle himself, but at least he has the charisma and knowledge of the conservative right to put up the best fight. Yet he will certainly lose if Puccetti stays in the race siphoning off the possible handful of conservative votes needed for Macfarlane to win.

This might actually be a race if Puccetti dropped out, short of that get ready for two more years of John Yarmuth.

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